
Botanic” means Sky BVBA, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Belgium, and having its registered address at Lange Dreef 3, 9870 Zulte, Belgium, BE0458716562.

Non-smoking policy

It is strictly prohibited to smoke or to burn candles in all rooms.
Any violation regarding this prohibition will be fined by 100 €.

Cancellation policy

The applied amounts and percentages are to be paid by the guest.
Only written cancellations by email to can be accepted.

If you cancel between 56 and the 29 days prior to arrival, 25% of the reservation cost will be charged.
If you cancel between 28 days and 15 days prior to arrival, 50% of the reservation cost will be charged.
If you cancel within 14 days prior to arrival, 100% of the reservation cost will be charged.
In case of no-show, a not cancelled room will be charged entirely.

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